HTML Decode

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How to use HTML Decode tool?

HTML decoding refers to the process of converting HTML entities back into their original form. For example, converting &lt; back to < or &amp; back to &. If you have HTML-encoded text that you want to decode, you can use an online HTML decoding tool.

Here's how you can use an HTML Decode tool:

  1. Find an HTML Decode Tool: Search for "HTML Decode Tool" in your favorite search engine. There are several online tools available that can decode HTML entities.

  2. Copy the Encoded Text: Copy the HTML-encoded text that you want to decode. This text might include entities like &lt;, &gt;, &amp;, etc.

  3. Paste the Text: Paste the copied text into the input field of the HTML Decode tool.

  4. Decode the Text: Click on the "Decode" or "Convert" button on the tool. The tool will decode the HTML entities and display the original text.

  5. Copy or Use the Decoded Text: Once the decoding is complete, you can copy the decoded text and use it as needed.

Remember, HTML decoding is useful for converting HTML entities back to their original characters, especially when you're working with text that has been encoded for HTML display.


Vinod G

Founder of ETSPL / BEPPL / Consult Innservices / Cyber Expert

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